Last year I began blogging after sessions but then I was so busy and unable to keep it up and then I promised myself that during the winter months I would go back and blog about the sessions.
But then winter came. Work slowed down and I was able to rest and recover. Annually I go through a hibernation period and for me that means putting my camera down and living life. It is so difficult at first but then I slowly ease into a new routine. One with cuddling my kiddos more, watching movies with the family, snuggling by the fire (cheesy but totally accurate). I homeschool and when my off season begins I dive deep into homeschooling and that is fun for every one of us. By the time I get back into my on season in the spring I am recharged and have a million new idea, life has inspired me once again.
So this year I didn't make good on my promise and I didn't go back during my off season and make a blog for each session, I was too busy being part of my people. I know these years, raising children, are going to go by so fast and I appreciate these moments and years.
I did, however, make a video of some images from my sessions from 2016. Here you go.
make sure to change the setting to high resolution ;)